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Oral Care

foods and drinks

The Impact Of Different Foods And Drinks On Your Teeth While Traveling

Do you love to travel? Many of us do, and the joys of exploring new cultures can be immense. But what about your teeth while you’re away from home? Different foods and drinks from various hotels can have a big impact on the health of your pearly whites – so don’t forget them when packing for your next getaway! In this article we will look… Read More »The Impact Of Different Foods And Drinks On Your Teeth While Traveling

reducing sugar

How Reducing Sugar Intake Can Improve Your Smile And Complexion

Sugar is often considered as a guilty pleasure, but it’s overconsumption can have a negative impact on our overall health. Not only does it contribute to weight gain and diabetes, but it can also affect our oral health and skin. According to the World Health Organization, adults should limit their daily intake of added sugars to less than 10% of their total energy intake. However,… Read More »How Reducing Sugar Intake Can Improve Your Smile And Complexion

Oral Care and Teeth Whitening Tips

Whether you like it or not, teeth whitening treatment can be only effective if you undergo the right treatment. Therefore, it is very important to consult a dentist before you apply any teeth whitening products or undergo any treatment. Remember that tooth discolorations have different causes and it must be traced in order to apply the right treatment. Each person has also different levels of… Read More »Oral Care and Teeth Whitening Tips